Narconon Fresh Start’s Contribution in Drug and Alcohol Treatment

Narconon Southern California—part of the internationally recognized Narconon family of drug treatment facilities—provides treatment for drug and alcohol addiction and dependence for those seeking to end their addictions once and for all.

Drug and alcohol dependence ruin lives, result in premature death, destroy careers and families, cause injury and financial ruin and diminish personal integrity. Our prisons are filled with people whose crimes were in some way are connected to their abuse of drugs or alcohol.

If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, there is a solution.

At Narconon Southern California, we’re dedicated to helping people who are dependent on or addicted to drugs or alcohol to get through a successful drug rehabilitation program that will change their lives and the lives of their families.

Thousands of people have successfully completed drug rehabilitation programs through Narconon Southern California and have gone on to lead healthy, stable, sober lives. Where other traditional disease-based treatment options fail, Narconon Southern California succeeds.

Contrary to popular wisdom, addiction isn’t a disease, and it’s not something that an addict has to live with for the rest of his or her life. The treatment program at Narconon Southern California has the highest success rate of any treatment program available: more than 76 percent of our clients get—and more importantly, stay—sober.

The Narconon Southern California treatment program combines a drug-free detoxification process with instruction and guidance on how to improve our clients’ lives. That’s the secret of our success.

Why drug-free detoxification? Because we’ve found it’s the safest, most effective way to begin our clients’ sobriety.

In addition, we teach our clients how to live healthy, happy lives through specialized instruction that helps them relearn (or learn for the first time) how to communicate effectively and improve their relationships with others, how to comprehend knowledge and information, how to enhance their perception and how to handle the ups and downs life will inevitably offer. As a result, Narconon Southern California clients are able to meet the challenges and embrace the joy of living a sober life.

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